Class DefaultRestAuthenticationConfig

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      String getGlobalRoles()
      Define the global roles required for accessing endpoints methods, in case the method doesnt have specific required roles It will fallback on this global roles
      Map<String,​String> getMethodRolesMap()
      This is the roles mapped to endpoints By default all methods are protected by the global roles But you can define more granularity by providing roles for given endpoint methods Multiple format supported for the keys: - Method precise signature: org.apache.unomi.api.ContextResponse getContextJSON(java.lang.Stringjava.lang.Longjava.lang.String) - Class name + method name: - Method name only: getContextJSON
      List<Pattern> getPublicPathPatterns()
      This provide the patterns to identify public endpoints The patterns will be tested against this format: "HTTP_METHOD HTTP_PATH_WITHOUT_CXS_PREFIX", like: "GET context.json" sample pattern for identify GET, POST and OPTIONS on "/cxs/context.json" as public requests would be: "(GET|POST|OPTIONS) context\\.json" sample pattern for identify GET only on all paths starting by "/cxs/client/" as public requests would be: "GET client/
    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultRestAuthenticationConfig

        public DefaultRestAuthenticationConfig()
    • Method Detail

      • getPublicPathPatterns

        public List<Pattern> getPublicPathPatterns()
        Description copied from interface: RestAuthenticationConfig
        This provide the patterns to identify public endpoints The patterns will be tested against this format: "HTTP_METHOD HTTP_PATH_WITHOUT_CXS_PREFIX", like: "GET context.json" sample pattern for identify GET, POST and OPTIONS on "/cxs/context.json" as public requests would be: "(GET|POST|OPTIONS) context\\.json" sample pattern for identify GET only on all paths starting by "/cxs/client/" as public requests would be: "GET client/.*"
        Specified by:
        getPublicPathPatterns in interface RestAuthenticationConfig
        the list of public paths patterns
      • getMethodRolesMap

        public Map<String,​String> getMethodRolesMap()
        Description copied from interface: RestAuthenticationConfig
        This is the roles mapped to endpoints By default all methods are protected by the global roles But you can define more granularity by providing roles for given endpoint methods Multiple format supported for the keys: - Method precise signature: org.apache.unomi.api.ContextResponse getContextJSON(java.lang.Stringjava.lang.Longjava.lang.String) - Class name + method name: - Method name only: getContextJSON
        Specified by:
        getMethodRolesMap in interface RestAuthenticationConfig
        the list of role mappings <methodKey, roles separated by single white spaces>, like: <"getContextJSON", "ROLE1 ROLE2 ROLE3">
      • getGlobalRoles

        public String getGlobalRoles()
        Description copied from interface: RestAuthenticationConfig
        Define the global roles required for accessing endpoints methods, in case the method doesnt have specific required roles It will fallback on this global roles
        Specified by:
        getGlobalRoles in interface RestAuthenticationConfig
        Global roles separated with single white spaces, like: "ROLE1 ROLE2 ROLE3"