Class Condition

    • Constructor Detail

      • Condition

        public Condition()
        Instantiates a new Condition.
      • Condition

        public Condition​(ConditionType conditionType)
        Instantiates a new Condition with the specified ConditionType.
        conditionType - the condition type
    • Method Detail

      • getConditionType

        public ConditionType getConditionType()
        Retrieves the associated condition type.
        the condition type
      • setConditionType

        public void setConditionType​(ConditionType conditionType)
        Sets the condition type.
        conditionType - the condition type
      • getConditionTypeId

        public String getConditionTypeId()
        Retrieves the identifier of the associated condition type.
        the identifier of the associated condition type
      • setConditionTypeId

        public void setConditionTypeId​(String conditionTypeId)
        Sets the identifier of the associated condition type.
        conditionTypeId - the identifier of the associated condition type
      • getParameterValues

        public Map<String,​Object> getParameterValues()
        Retrieves a Map of all parameter name - value pairs for this condition.
        a Map of all parameter name - value pairs for this condition. These depend on the condition type being used in the condition.
      • setParameterValues

        public void setParameterValues​(Map<String,​Object> parameterValues)
        Sets the parameter name - value pairs for this profile.
        parameterValues - a Map containing the parameter name - value pairs for this profile
      • containsParameter

        public boolean containsParameter​(String name)
        Determines whether this condition contains the parameter identified by the specified name.
        name - the name identifying the parameter whose existence we want to determine
        true if this condition contains a parameter with the specified name, false otherwise
      • getParameter

        public Object getParameter​(String name)
        Retrieves the parameter identified by the specified name.
        name - the name of the parameter to retrieve
        the value of the specified parameter or null if no such parameter exists
      • setParameter

        public void setParameter​(String name,
                                 Object value)
        Sets the parameter identified by the specified name to the specified value. If a parameter with that name already exists, replaces its value, otherwise adds the new parameter with the specified name and value.
        name - the name of the parameter to set
        value - the value of the parameter
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object